Stefan Kits is as a Swedish performance artist. Hailing from Stockholm, he
started early to put himself in challenging situations and has never really
stopped. Whether he’s hatching an egg, skiing narrow coloirs, doing massive
cliff hucks or balacing on exotic waves it’s the kick
from going through with something all the way that keeps him going. Common
grounds for every project is that inexhaustible urge to continuously test
limits and of course, pure skills! And so far, no limits or lack of skills
have occurred.
Oj jävlar vilken heting!
SvaraRaderaKommer spana på dig varje dag ;)
haha, dendär vita lilla grejen du har till höger, sånna brushes har jag också i ps ^^ eller det ser ut som dom iaf. :P
SvaraRaderaFan va glad jag blev att ni skrivit...det funkar!!! ;D du kan dina penslar...close...hämtat från ett typsnitt i "illustrator"!
Spanar tillbaka Angelika, får aldrig nog av dig...